A web interface to allow Battle Royale attendees to select their seats, teams, and tournaments as soon as they purchase their registration ticket. PHP, REST, JSON, jQuery, AJAX, MySQL, LAMP
A robot that uses machine vision (ex: track orange buoys) and other instruments (ex: IMU, GPS) to navigate an obstacle course. Java, SBC, Arduino, OpenCV
An exhibit at the Canada Science and Technology Museum that showed visitors the work required to produce electric power. 2011-2014. Embedded Systems, Remote Monitoring, UI, UX
The websites for IEEE Ottawa Section, IEEE uOttawa Student Branch (a previous version), IEEE ICC 2012, and IEEE Canada. WordPress, Custom Theme Design, Static Site Generator
Participated and lead teams organizing student and international conferences for 300-2500 people that last 1-6 days. Event Planning, Team Leadership, Budget Planning, Marketing, Registrations
Distributed 1300 tablets to registrants and managed the supporting infrastructure (ex: wifi, web systems, charging stations). Infrastructure Planning, Inventory Tracking, Content Management
Designed, setup, and managed the LAN networks and temporary power distribution grids (~100 KW) for 250 attendees. Network, Power, and Logitics Planning, Sponsorships, Marketing
I'm a Software Developer and Robotics Designer/Specialist, who builds web applications, autonomous robots and human hamster wheels.
I also do a lot of volunteer work with IEEE, making websites, organizing conferences, even large paperless ones, and running huge LAN parties.
If you'd like to contact me, send me an email.